
The Italian Embassy in collaboration with GM Venture and KPMG launches the investment guide in Brazil. The guide describes all the Brazilian aspects for the best direction of your investment here. Find out more about the launch of the Brazil Investment Guide here.The Italian Embassy in Brazil has presented a new edition of the guide for companies interested in investing in the South American country. Compared to the first edition dated 2013, the new "Doing business in Brazil – Italian entrepreneurial presence, opportunity mapping and market entry strategy" is more focused on the geographical and sectoral opportunities present in Brazil.From the guide – wanted by Ambassador Antonio Bernardini, made with Carlo Jacobucci of the economic office, Graziano Messana managing partner of GM Venture, and with the collaboration of KPMG emerges the role of Enel, the first company in Brazil of energy distribution, with an induced 30 PMI.Then Fiat, which announced an investment of more than 4 billion euros, with a pipeline of about 80 Italian companies. "The purpose of the new version of the e-book guide," Messana said, "is to offer Italian entrepreneurs a simple and quick consultation tool and, at the same time, concretely useful for their strategic decisions."Original article in Italian.Learn more about the launch of the Brazil Investment Guidehere.