Renewable energy in Brazil: Brazil's renaissance starts from the green economy
Mr Graziano Messana talks about the prospects for the development of renewable energy in Brazil after the election of the new President Jair Bolsonaro.
Learn more about Brazil's new political direction and the benefits for foreign investment here.
According to the experts of the Schroders bank, Brazil will be one of the surprises of 2019. "Archived the elections," reads the report just published, "should strengthen, driving Up Latin America, which could, therefore, prove to be the emerging area for the coming year." When it comes to the economy, analysts are eyeing the statements of new President Jais Bolsonaro. Or how he came to get his citizens to vote for him. Instead, they look more closely at what he has promised to get out of the crisis that has been holding back Brazil's race among emerging countries for the past two years.
After an election campaign which caused considerable concern, Bolsonaro, presented himself to the markets with an attitude as reassuring as possible. Guaranteeing liberal sense by starting the privatisation process again, that has already initiated by the centre-left government, which should act as a driver for the return on investment. Not for nothing have the stock exchanges already reacted, and the investment funds have positioned themselves in advance: among the leading financial centres. Sao Paulo is among those the one that lost the least since the beginning of the year. If this is the big picture, a vital role will be played by the relaunch of the green economy. There's never been a real slowdown. He simply expected to understand the choices of the new presidency. Since there has been no change, operators expect an acceleration in projects that should make Brazil one of the most important realities for the further development of renewables in the world. In part, it already is: after China and India, it occupies the third place in the world rankings. Together, the three countries have accounted for more than half of global investment in recent years. The government has confirmed its goal of growing by 5,000 gigawatts of power per year. According to government documents, it is expected to cost 28 billion 10-15 years for solar alone.
As in other countries in South America, Brazil is a breeding ground for renewables thanks to its hydroelectric system. At the moment, brazil has an installed capacity of 150 gigawatts, of which 80% covered with renewables. And of these, the hydro is the main component with 65% of the total. But already at the end of the year, further increases are preceded. 2018 will end with a growth of 4% for both wind and biomass and 21% of hydropower. But the real exploit is photovoltaics, where growth is exponential, even scoring a more than 600% installed capacity.
The data provided by the consulting firm GM Venture. A company born from the idea of an Italian manager, Graziano Messana, who opened his offices in Sao Paulo 13 years ago, betting on the opportunities that Brazil could offer to Italian companies and taking advantage primarily of the development in the renewables sector.
Next February, the Italian Embassy will hold a series of meetings and host a trade mission dedicated to the national energy supply chain. "It will be an opportunity not to be missed because Italian companies can count on the entrenched presence of the Enel Group, which after the acquisition of the Electropaulo network has become the main energy distributor of Brazil, confirming itself as leaders throughout South America". Explains Messana over the phone at Business&Finance.
Certainly an "interested" invitation, but with justification: "Brazil in a complex country, where paperwork and relations with the taxman are different from Europe. We accompany companies that want to do business in the country. We already have 30 collaborations, and the development of renewables will certainly be a further boost to growth. We hope, but that could affect the entire national sector."
If you want to open a business in Brazil, check out three simple steps to do it, here.